couple sitting on swing hugging at beach

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  1. These are great! It can be very challenging to keep the spark once children start to arrive on the scene. But it becomes even more important.

    1. Thank you! You are right, keeping the romance alive especially if the kids are present, opens the door to a deeper relationship and even better experiences together. Thanks for visiting!

  2. Thank you for all these ideas! Our anniversary is on December too. Makes for quite hectic holidays!

    1. You’re welcome! Hope you are able to use some tips for your anniversary when traveling. Thank you for visiting.

  3. Dan "Jay" Reyes says:

    These are wonderful travel tips from you. Thank you for sharing them 🙂

  4. Charlotte says:

    Coffee in bed and donuts!! Love love love! Sometimes it’s the little things.

    1. Exactly! We initially begin to think the romantic things have to be something big and bold, and usually it’s not. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Our Anniversary is on Feb. 24 so we don’t always celebrate Valentine’s Day. We usually have an Anniversary getaway so we save our money for that.
    Thanks for the great ideas!

    1. Great idea! We put more our creativity with our anniversary as it’s around the holidays too. Sometimes, it gets tricky as we are traveling. Happy Anniversary and hope you have a nice romantic one! Thanks for visiting!

  6. Great ideas! They are great to use even when its not valentines and your out on a holiday with the kids! Definitely implementing some of these on our next holiday cause we get so caught up with the girls, we quite often forget to make time for ourselves!

    1. Absolutely! Some of us don’t have a choice (or maybe a preference) but to travel with our kids on these days. I hope you guys have a wonderful trip and able to get some romance in. Thanks for visiting.

  7. This is a great list! Thank you. We often celebrate big romantic occasions with kids in tow. In fact, for our last anniversary we went to Medieval times with the family. 🙂

    1. You’re welcome! We’ve gone to the dinner shows a few times too and we love them! It’s incredible how we can still be romantic and set memories even with the kids involved. Thanks for visiting!

  8. We try to keep date night low cost, these ideas are great for that!
    Quite often we do at home date nights, once the kids are in bed.
    A movie, picnic in front of our fireplace or in the backyard watching the stars are a few of our favourite.

    1. Oh yes! Love date nights at home too! Budget friendly AND romantic = HOT DEAL 😉 Thanks so much for visiting!

      1. Kimberlie says:

        I love that you suggest realistic and affordable ways to be romantic while on vacation with kids. As a newer mom and family, seeking to adjust to our new reality having ideas of what to do is helpful.

        1. When your kids are younger, that may be the most challenging time for travel, but I’m glad I could offer great opportunities for you to keep the romance when on vacation. Congratulations on your new family! Thanks so much for visiting!

  9. These are great ideas! Most of our “dates” involve our kids, especially when we’re traveling but we try to get out every once in awhile without the kids.

    1. Most of our wedding anniversaries (during travel) have included the kids since their births and we’ve never regretted as we’ve just gotten creative and flexible with our plans. We also try to get in date nights for alone, alone time 😉 Thanks for visiting!

  10. I love these ideas!! Coffee in bed, ummm yes!!! Or coffee anywhere for that matter!! Often times it is hard to find alone time or times for romance when on a family trip or even just at home with kids. Great post!

    1. You’re very welcome! I hope you guys enjoy coffee in bed on your next romantic trip! Thank you for visiting.

  11. This is a lovely post! It is so important to make time for your SO. I’m learning how to balance!

    1. Thank you. Balance is important. I hope you were able to grab some tips and use them for your next trip and create romance. Thanks so much for visiting!

  12. Lovely post! Something to really keep in mind.

    1. Thanks so much! I’m glad to share some tips to create romance on your next trip. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. This is a great list, it has something for everyone. My favorite is kissing my hubby on the lips in front of the kids… haha they think it’s so gross! 🙂

    1. LOL! Good one! My daughter loves to force herself in between us to separate us. Then says, “no, no, no”. Ha, ha. 🙂 I hope you guys get some romance in on your next trip. Thanks for visiting!

  14. These are great tips and ideas! Sometimes it’s so hard to think of things off the top of your head or when you’re traveling. I’m going to keep these in mind! Thank you for sharing!

    1. You’re very welcome! Sometimes we forget that we could be romantic even with simple and easy ideas such as these. I hope you guys have a great romantic trip next time. Thanks so much for visiting!

  15. These are really good ideas. My husband and I have been talking a lot about traveling with the kiddos lately and our travel time is our time to really connect in general. So to have ideas about how to keep it romantic even when the kids are around is good to have.

    Definitely going to keep these in mind for our trip in March.

    1. Glad to help out! I hope you guys have a great romantic trip next time. Thank you for visiting.

  16. Thank you for sharing some great ideas! Funny thing is I love skee-ball and will be planning a trip to the nearest arcade.

    1. You’re welcome! Skee-ball has always been a favorite of mines too! Have fun on your date! Thanks for stopping by.

  17. Wow! These are all great ideas, some are very simple to do and can make a big difference in your relationship after so many years of marriage and the busy life you have once you have kids.

    1. Absolutely! Planning a vacation with kids can become very overwhelming, so being able to add some romance with easy ideas such as these can be a huge help. Thank you for visiting!

  18. Chantelle says:

    Such fun ideas! Not just for Valentines Day but anytime! It’s so important to keep “dating”

    1. You got it! Being able to keep the romance alive is very important. Thanks for visiting!

  19. Man, what a GREAT list of ideas! I love every one of them. Doing an escape room is on our list of things to do soon. We’ve got a group of friends who want to go, but we wondered if we’d be disadvantaged if we went by ourselves. I’m glad to see that’s not the case. Super cute picture of you guys, by the way.

    1. Thanks so much! You’ve got to do the escape room, so much fun! If it’s just the two of you, choose one of the easier rooms. Good luck! Thank you for visiting.

  20. Great ideas! Some we do at home and on vacation, others are great suggestions. Thanks for sharing

    1. You’re very welcome! Glad to hear you’re keeping the romance alive everywhere you go. Thanks so much for visiting!

  21. Kareena -this is a great post. When I first saw the title, I laughed. The idea of romantic travels with children can be a complete oxymoron. My children are older now, but we snuck little gestures in on our travels to make it sweet. It’s easy to lose sight when the children are little. It gets a bit easier when they are older. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Very true Chrissy. We are starting to enjoy a little more leeway as they are getting older. We can get more creative when we travel, and it’s so worth it. Thank you for visiting!

  22. Thanks so much for these ideas! A few are so simple yet have so much meaning! These ideas are great for when our daughter gets older (she’s 1). Thank you!

    1. You’re welcome! Hope you guys have a great romantic trip next time! Thanks for stopping by.

  23. Tara Hallie says:

    These are all really great ideas. We travel as a family about 99% of the time so having ways to sneak in romance helps.

    1. You’re very welcome! Hope you guys enjoy your next romantic trip! Thanks for visiting.

  24. These are all great ideas! I’ve been trying to figure out what to do for Valentine’s Day because it’s hard to get a babysitter on that exact day. We do usually do a family movie night on Fridays anyway, but maybe we’ll kick it up a notch and go to an arcade too! I loved the coffee and breakfast in bed ideas as well. I am not a morning person, so that would definitely speak my love language.

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you are able to get some great ideas and use the next time you travel. Everyone will have so much fun at the arcade. If your spouse speaks your love language on V-day, he also gets extra points 😉 Have a great time on your next romantic trip! Thank you for visiting.

  25. So many fun ideas! We love going on walks/ hikes together and when traveling it’s so fun to order room service, we feel like royalty!!

    1. My husband and I love to go on walks too. Room service definitely can bring romance with royalty. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

  26. I always say, everyday with my husband is like Valentine’s day. I am not trying to be sappy, but it is true. We do pretty much all of those things together very regularly and sometimes every day. We enjoy making dinner together every night, or if we don’t have time to make dinner, we sit and enjoy a meal at a restaurant. I make espresso for him every morning, he rubs my feet or makes me breakfast in bed. We get couples spa treatments, travel together and see a movie at the theater on the weekends. We are very fortunate to be able to spend so much time together. I hope everyone else can do the same!!! Love and light coming your way!

    1. This is so wonderful! I can only hope that every couple gets to experience every day to be loving just like this. You are right, every couple should celebrate the love they have for each other every day in every way possible. Wishing you guys the very best. Thanks so much for sharing.

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