man and woman sitting on couch back to back hands folded

How to Cope When You and Your Husband are Not Compatible

Compatibility is key in a relationship. Incompatibility in marriage is a common issue that many couples face. Incompatibility can be caused by many different factors, such as different interests, lifestyles, or even religions. When two people are not compatible, it can be difficult for them to maintain a healthy and happy relationship. Incompatibility can also…

woman bored laying on bed

When You Don’t Feel Like Spending Time with Your Husband, Try These!

There are times when people may feel like they do not want to spend time with their partner. This could be due to a lack of connection, feeling overwhelmed, or simply not having the energy. When this happens, it is important to communicate with your partner and figure out a way to manage the disconnection….

man and woman praying sitting on dock over lake

From Chaos to Calm: How to Make Your Relationship God-Centered

How do you make your relationship God-centered? Let’s discuss how to make your relationship with God more beneficial and meaningful. God-centered relationships are those in which both partners put their relationship with God first. This can be difficult to do, but it is essential if you want your marriage to be successful. Here are five…