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  1. “Be a good listener” – will try this for sure. 🙂

    1. Sometimes we tend to want to talk and offer suggestions instead of listening. Or just not listen at all. I think this may be an area many of us still need to work on. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Jill DeMasi says:

    Great tips for any relationship! Trust is essential and I think being friends first helps too.

    1. Thank you! You are absolutely correct! My husband and I were very good friends first and I think that made us bloom into who we are today. Thanks so much for visiting!

  3. Great list! My husband and I have been married 31 years and we do these things.

    1. Thank you! That is so awesome to hear! I wish you guys the very best! Thank you for visiting!

  4. I absolutely love and appreciate this blog post. Trust is such an important part of a relationship. Thank you for sharing this. Bookmarked!

    1. You are very welcome! Without trust, there’s no marriage. Trust builds that bridge to love. Thank you so much for stopping by! Hope to hear from you again.

  5. Love these! And I’d also add “don’t have expectations”. That’s a trap I see many people fall into.

    1. Yes Katherine! You are spot on with this one! Things can change at any moment. I think this is why it’s also important to really know your spouse before committing to marriage as well. Thank you very much for visiting!

    1. Congratulations Christina! 51 years! How beautiful! Happy to hear about another successful marriage. Thank you for visiting!

  6. Great tips! My husband and I have been married for 3 years, together for 8. To go along with one of your points of showing appreciation, I have read that men respond better to words of encouragement and thankfulness. So now I make sure to tell my husband how much I appreciate when he does anything!

    1. Thank you! You guys are definitely on the path to a successful marriage when you’re able to show how much you appreciate each other. Wishing you many more years together! Thanks for visiting!

  7. Love all of these tips. Probably the best insight I’ve received is “The closer you both are to God, the closer you will both be to each other” 🙂 and my grandpa told me 35 years ago when I got engaged “It’s give and take”!
    Great post!

    1. Thank you! Yes, your souls become one once married and God will continue to protect your union, as the love continues to grow for each other. Your grandpa was right, that’s indeed one way you create a balanced marriage. Thank you so much for visiting!

    1. Thank you! Compromising gets you far when it comes to valuable relationships. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. wonderful thoughts. i hope everyone reads them. 🙂

  9. Lisa Manderino says:

    This is really great advice. Every single one. I have been married for 15 years and still am so happy and in love! I agree 100% on all of these points.

    1. Congratulations Lisa on 15 years of happiness with your spouse! My heart smiles every time I hear about successful marriages. Wish you the best! Thank you for visiting!

  10. We need to go on more date nights! After 26 years of marriage this gets forgotten sometimes. I will be making it more of a priority, thank you!

    1. You’re welcome! I think sometimes we get so comfortable in our daily routines we forget the little things that can ignite the sparks. Date nights definitely help us to fall in love over and over again. Thanks so much for visiting!

  11. Tricia Snow says:

    I have a great marriage and these are great tips! I feel for those who have a marriage that is lacking. We are always laughing. We love getting home to hang out together. We were friends first and I think that plays a big part in it. We actually like hanging out together.

    1. Thank you! I agree. It makes my heart sad when I hear about married couples that aren’t happy with each other. Everyone deserves a happy marriage. Laughing is huge in my marriage too. We are both goofballs. We were also friends first and have had a great connection from the start. Wishing you the very best! Thanks for visiting!

  12. These are great tips. After nearly 28 years of marriage, I can definitely see areas of needed work in Connection, Romance, and Speaking our spouses language.

    1. Thank you Kendra! 28 years, wow! Congratulations! Recognizing that you do need to improve in some areas, is an awesome start. THAT alone puts you on a path to a successful marriage!! Wishing you the best. Thanks for visiting!

  13. I like the “be a good listener” too. You can learn far more by listening than you can by talking. And kindness, so important! What a great list.

    1. Thank you! For me, listening helped a great deal. Instead of just waiting to talk back, I listen to him– not just hear him, but listen and understand him. This helps me to learn so much about him and his needs. Thanks for stopping by!

  14. A good list for couples to use. Will be passing this on. I think the best is the first one – God as a priority .

    1. Thank you! I agree. Once you place God first, everything in your marriage falls into place, as it should. Thank you so much for visiting!

    1. You’re welcome! Marriage is alot of work, but after many years of a happy marriage, you get to look back and see it was worth it! You get rewarded with the everlasting marriage you’ve always dreamed of. Thanks for visiting!

    1. Absolutely! That is surely another great tip to help married couples strengthen their marriages. Thank you for sharing!

  15. I LOVE this! I’m getting married in March so all of this speaks to me and let’s me know I have chosen the right one 🥰

    1. Congratulations on your engagement! I’m happy to hear that you’ve found your true love! I wish you two the best and hope you have many happy years together! Thanks for visiting!

  16. These are great tips. When you are younger, you sometimes don’t realize how important these are until there is a mistake that tarnishes the marriage and recovery from that is so difficult. It is similar to when you are young and your parents say “wait until you get older-you will understand” Similar situation here. I hope your tips help others before its too late!

    1. This is a great perspective! I think that there are too many marriages that aren’t working for so many reasons and many times the issues could have been prevented, and like you said sometimes trying to fix things seems impossible. I do hope that couples that seek help do receive it. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  17. This is a great article! I especially agree with putting God first and keeping him in your marriage. Thanks for some great things to think about and put into practice!

    1. You’re welcome! Yes, God keeps us on our path to an everlasting marriage! Thank you for visiting!

    1. Trust is very important. Your spouse has to be pick up where you cannot. You should know that your spouse will be there for you no matter what. I wish you guys the best! Thanks for visiting!

  18. Very important info. We sometimes forget that a marriage is about compromise and to include date nights. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Yes, we sometimes forget the fun stuff that makes us fall in love all over again. Thank you for visiting!

  19. I agree with this list. Especially showing appreciation. It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day and forget to do that, but it goes a long way when done.

    1. Absolutely, Lisa! Some may feel like showing appreciation is automatic in a marriage, but it’s not for some. When your spouse shows kindness it’s always worth it when you show them how much you appreciate them. Never take that kindness for granted. Thanks so much for visiting!

  20. And never go to bed angry! Wonderful suggestions for keeping the relationship vital!

    1. Good one! That’s an absolute “no-no” in my marriage. How can things get resolved it we put it off?? Thanks so much for your input!

  21. Maria Gustafsson says:

    Be a good listener applies to every relationship in your life!

  22. You make some really awesome points and some very helpful suggestions thank you for sharing.

  23. Honestly, I usually end up shaking my head with posts like this, but these are some GREAT tips and ideas. I’ve been married fro 23 years and, no, it hasn’t been easy. It’s when we get down to implementing these kinds of ideas in our marriage that we start to flourish again. I specifically love dating my husband and I do love the knowing each other’s love languages – soooo important.

    1. I am so glad to hear how important these tips are. I’m also happy to know that your marriage continues to grow when you begin to work hard at it and take the necessary steps. Congratulations on your 23 years together! I wish you many more happy years! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  24. This is such a sweet post! I love your advice, sometimes we forget to keep the romance going in a marriage., but it’s so important

    1. Thank you Marina. Yes, sometimes we get so comfortable we forget that one way to keep the fire going is to include romantic date nights into our relationships. Thanks so much for visiting!

  25. These are wonderful suggestions! Imagine if newlyweds began married life by adopting these practices.

    1. Thank you! I’m hoping that more and more married couples seek the best strategies and tips for what could make their marriage a success, which may help prevent heartache in the future. Thanks for visiting.

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