girl on bench jealous of couple walking hand in hand

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  1. Melissa Cushing says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this informative post. I agree for sure you should never compare anything about your life to others… first and foremost and I have been with my boyfriend for 25 years this year and we never got married but have 2 kids together that are now in college and high school. It just works for us and all of our family members that are married are divorcing…so we seem to be the winning couple when everyone used to make fun that we never got married. I always said I love the Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn relationship and that is exactly how we are 🙂 Happy and loving each other more and more with every passing day!

    1. You’re welcome! I’m glad that you guys have figured out what works for you. That’s all that matters. Once you figure that out, there’s no need to compare your relationship to anyone else’s. Congratulations on your blissful 25 years, and wishing you 25 more! Thanks for visiting.

  2. It’s so hard to not compare your life, your marriage to others. But it’s the worst thing you can do. We are all different and all special in our own ways.

    1. You are exactly right, Heather. Build on the foundation that you and your spouse have and focus on that. We are not meant to be the same. Thanks so much for visiting.

  3. Jay Aguirre says:

    It is definitely important to focus on your marriage. Each one is unique and you can’t look to others for how to handle what is unique between you and your significant other!

    1. BINGO!! Focus on what makes your relationship work. Build on that to create something special to be shared between you two. Nevermind what anyone else have. Thanks so much for stopping by.

  4. I think not only marriage, but we also should not do comparison with other, no matter what aspect.

    1. This is indeed a challenge for many. You’ve got to have that self-identity to get rid of any insecurities you may have. Work on yourself and love yourself. No need to compare. Thank you for visiting.

  5. Inspiring article indeed. Should never compare with other’s. Instead should work out to keep my relationship stable.

    1. Thank you. Once you find what works for you, you will be too happy to be comparing your relationship to others. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Everyone is different, we hit goals at different times, have different dreams, etc. It is a lot like comparing yourself to others in general, it is best not to do it. Great read!

    1. Thanks Luna! That’s right! We all have something different to offer– to the world and to our spouses. Focus on creating a world of happiness for yourself and your family. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I agree comparing your relationship or life to others is sure to make you unhappy. Social media makes this a real struggle. Positive thinking or behaviour change has helped me alot with this.

    1. Positive thinking and behavior change are great strategies to help with the challenge of comparisons. The more we build ourselves up, the less we need to compare. Thanks so much for sharing.

  8. This is a fantastic post. Thanks for sharing. I agree only God can strengthen your marriage. Getting or wanting what someone else has may not be what hold your marriage together. Don’t waste precious time and entertain for isn’t the answer.

    1. Thanks so much Tina! We’ve got to get the right mindset– on that path God wants us on. Once you are there, doesn’t matter what’s happening in other relationships, you’ve already began building a world of your own, protected by God. Thank you so much for visiting!

  9. I’m the opposite of this. I look at someone else’s marriage and think “ I’m so glad mine is the way it is.”

    1. Ashley, I feel you on that one. 🙂 That’s why it’s also important to be very grateful for what we have and not tear it down. Focus on your own relationship and create your own happy marriage. I’m also very happy to hear that you have a wonderful marriage. Wishing you guys the very best. Thanks so much for sharing.

  10. I love this! Focusing on God as a priority is definitely a must! Also, we all just need to stop comparing anything in our lives. However, it’s so hard to do with everything we are bombarded with. Thank you for this very important post! You are such an encouragement <3

    1. Thank you very much Adriane. <3 I really hope to encourage couples to find that happy place within their marriage. Comparing, or competing with others for reasons as this, will only cause disappointment and hurt in the long run. You've got to let God lead you to where you are supposed to be so that you have a clear direction in life including your marriage. That is what makes it easier to avoid jealousy and envy in our lives. Thank you so much for visiting!

  11. It’s never a good idea to compare yourself to anyone in your life, especially your marriage. You’ve given some great insight here on the topic.

    1. I agree Lisa. I hope these suggestions can help couples to build on their own relationships and not compare their marriages to someone else’s. Thank so much for visiting.

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