Can God Save My Marriage?
Can God heal my marriage?
Statistics reveal that more than 20 percent of marriages are ending in divorce today. Every marriage that breaks, ends with a flood of emotions made of grief, anxiety, stress and fear.
Divorces are no doubt emotionally difficult events, and the separated couples undergo long days and weeks and months of anxiety and stress.
Everyone wants their marriages and relationships to work, and no one enters into a marriage expecting it to break soon or last a few years.
It is true but most of us wonder as to how our parents and grandparents found their true love in their marriage and remained together all together through their golden years. If you ask them, they all have a common answer, and it is that they believed in the sanctity of their marriage and worked together as a team.
Times have really changed today and marriages are falling apart like a pack of cards and this is because they have not been built on a strong foundation of trust, love and understanding.
However, things can take a turn for the better if couples take a different perspective of their marriage and relationships. All they need to do is become a firm believer of the sanctity of marriage and the sacred nature of their relationship.
If you ask devout Christians, they profess the presence of Christ during the wedding rites and believe that it is God Himself who unites a man and a woman in the everlasting bond of marriage and love.
Christ creates the sacred union between the husband and wife and expects them to live together and remain married until death does them apart.
This relationship between husband and wife is established to achieve Christian perfection. Christian traditions have always proclaimed the sanctity of marriage and how the relationship between husband and wife is sanctified by the Lord.
No one can deny that healthy relationships and everlasting marriages are not only a contract bound by God, but also good for the society.
When a child grows and develops within a stable atmosphere, he develops into a responsible citizen who can make positive contributions to the society. On the other hand, children of broken families have to deal with separation and having a one parent because of the rising incidents of divorce.
Deprived of a stable relationship between parents, they are exposed to the vulnerabilities of compromising with their educational achievement and social competence and are more likely to become victims of mental health and alcohol use.
As adults, every couple should feel their responsibilities not just towards each other, but towards their children and their society.
If they start believing in this sacred union, they will feel more motivated to iron out their differences and make the marriage work.
Christian beliefs assert how the sanctity of marriage establishes the fundamental relationship between a man and woman and how with complete sharing, they can motivate their personal growth and love for each other, as well as give their children a loving and caring environment.
Ephesians 5:25-33 in Bible says” Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” God expects husbands to love their wives as their own bodies as if they were their own flesh and nourish and cherish them.
Corinthians 7:39 ESV / 5 states that a “wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.”
Thus, there is plenty of guidance and inspiration in the Bible that establishes the purity and sanctity of marriage and how love between the couple should be pure and unconditional.
It is also important to consider that before marriage, every individual that seeks marriage, should pray to God and ask for wisdom on their future spouse. Seeking God’s wisdom and praying to God will help you to find your mate that God wants you to be with.
Many times women marry for all the wrong reasons and when the marriage is in trouble, they then seek to God. A genuine and strong marriage is formed way before the couple says “I do”. We shouldn’t marry for selfish reasons and then expect God to save us from our reckless decisions.
In addition, we shouldn’t ask God to save our marriages for selfish reasons either. We shouldn’t ask God to save our marriage because of fear or judgement. God only wants what is best for us. When we are in situations that we are unhappy with (abusive, toxic marriages), why do we really want God to heal this type of marriage?
It’s important to be honest with yourself. God already knows the truth. He can’t help you if you aren’t humble or honest when you come before him.
If a marriage is broken because of communication issues, God can definitely step in and intervene in our marriages, once our purpose is what he wants for us. He can help both husband and wife through inner work to create a better relationship.
But if you are in a toxic marriage, do you really want God to miraculously change your husband? What if God doesn’t want you in a toxic marriage? Are you ready to walk away if God tells you to?
What type of marriage are you in? Find out here.
If you are in an abusive marriage, there is help. Reach out and get the support you need right here.
I urge you to really pay attention to your “WHY” you want God to save your marriage. You need to be ready to submit and sacrifice your selfish needs if you want God to fix your marriage.
Once our Godly desires are placed in God’s hands for his purpose, God can indeed step in and save the sacred institution of marriage.
All we need to do is listen to Him and make way for him to enter our lives.
It is through the sanctity of marriage and working towards pure love can one experience the liberating effect of divine love.
As God alone can satisfy the basic yearning of people for love self-fulfillment, it is essential to pay attention to what he says and wants us to follow.
God does answer prayers, and when he does, you really should follow what he reveals. Many will feel very uncomfortable to what God says, then they ignore and choose to believe, listen and follow otherwise. This is why many marriages continue to fail.
And clearly, He wants the married partners to show complete devotion towards each other as the first step. A good marriage with deep love is the source of sanctification for each partner and will encourage them to feel the presence of the Spirit of God within them.
Couples who face numerous challenges and differences in keeping their marriage together, should seek help to make things work out and avoid taking a divorce.
They can ask the Lord for guidance, as well as seek help from the marriage counselors.
However, the first step to save marriage is to believe that marriage is a divine purpose and God has brought them together because of a plan.
This is why is it’s important that we seek God BEFORE a marriage. However, remember to seek God for HIS purpose, not your selfish wants.
Thus, it is essential to save the marriage and solidify the union of two people so that they can be a part of the divine purpose and plan. Believe on the sacredness of those wedding rites and don’t treat them as simple words to be repeated.
Build trust in God that it is the Lord who is uniting the man and woman into the sacred bond of marriage and live and work together.
Do not take your marriage to be like a casual bond and have faith in God’s will and follow his teachings.
Sadly, the couples today have lost faith in the sanctity of marriage and as a result treat their relationship lives very casually. If it is possible to make them believe in the ideal relationship surrounded by the love of God, it is certainly possible to understand the real meaning of sanctity of marriage and prevent divorces.
If you or your loved one is feeling frustrated about their marriage, it is essential to support them and give them the right guidance so that they can avoid separation and divorce. Communication, intimacy and other similar issues can certainly be fixed through through the guidance of God.
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