How Do I Become A Better Husband To My Wife?
If you are reading this article, then you are taking the right step into becoming a better husband. You want to make sure that your wife is happy and that you will take the best path for a successful marriage.
In this article, you will learn different ways in which a husband can be better to his wife. You will learn how to show your wife that you care, how to show more affection, how to show you respect your wife, how to make your wife feel loved and how to be more romantic.
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How do I show my wife I care?
There are many ways in which a husband can show his wife that he cares. Sometimes a man can feel like his wife already know that he cares, but here are some sure ways of knowing she knows how much he cares:
~ Listen to her. Usually, you will know what makes a wife happy, is by simply listening to her. If you listen to her needs and respond appropriately, you will show her that you care.
~ Offer support. Maybe your wife is in a dire situation and needs someone to lean on. No better person to show support other than her husband. A wife appreciates it when her husband supports her through her good and bad days.
Be that solid foundation for your wife. Let her feel like that no matter what happens, you will keep her safe from it all.
Let her feel like even if the world is against her, she knows when she’s with you, she’s at peace– no worries at all. Let her know she means the world to you and your kids and promise you will never leave her.
~ Take on more responsibilities. Pick up the kids from school, cook dinner or maybe wash dishes every other day. Helping your wife around the house more, definitely shows you care.
Learn the love language of your wife to have a better relationship in your marriage.
Well, how do I show my wife more affection?
~ Touching her, kissing her, hugging her daily, tell her how beautiful she is, even laughing with her more, will show your wife just how much you care for her.
~ Saying “I love you” more frequently shows affection. Tell her, text her, or writing a letter are different ways to say “I love you”. Your wife will never get tired of hearing it.
~ Giving her special gifts. Does your wife love flowers, perfume or jewelry? You don’t have to wait for special occasions to get something special for her. Surprise her when she least expects it.
How can I show my wife that I respect her?
~ Teamwork! Try to make most of the family decisions as a team. Even if you make more money than her or think you know more than she does, you have to compromise your thoughts, be open-minded and treat her as an equal partner in your marriage.
Read more about how always ‘being right’ may ruin your marriage.
~ Be an open book to your wife. Never try to hide or lie to your wife. As difficult as you may think it is or what you think may happen if she finds out, never let that talk you out of being honest with her.
The more honest you are and show your wife that she can trust you, the more she’ll understand just how much you respect her.
~ Let her know that no one compares to her. Never let your wife feel like she has to compete with another woman, ever! Show her every day that she is the ONLY one for your heart.
Looking at, touching or talking inappropriately with other women and spending quality time with other women is disrespectful to a wife and should never be tolerated in any marriage.
How can I make my wife feel loved?
~ Keep chasing after your wife! Pretend that you haven’t married her yet and you will do anything so she becomes your Mrs. Keep persuing your wife so she feels loved by you.
~ Pray for your wife. Praying for your wife shows how much you care and value her life and that you want to protect her. Praying that you want the best for your family will make your wife feel loved.
~ Spend quality time with her. Take a break away from the kids, work or your friends and have some time with your wife. The more you make your wife a priority, the more she will know how much you care for her.
How can I be more romantic with my wife?
Here are some romantic ideas that my husband has that I love :
~ Going to your wife’s favorite cuisine restaurant. Take your wife to her favorite restaurant for breakfast or lunch instead of the typical dinner dates. Try switching up the places for each date, that way she sees how much thought you’ve put into creativity and she’ll appreciate that.
~ Bring home a small gift for your wife. Does she love chocolate or books? I’m not saying get her a box of chocolates, but rather a Kit Kat bar (if that’s her favorite) or maybe book-themed key chain you saw while grocery shopping. A small thoughtful gift without a reason can show lots of romance.
~ Movie night. Nothing says romantic than cuddling up on a sofa under the blankets with your wife. If your wife likes them, play a horror movie. She will most likely be in your arms all night.
~ Take long walks. Many times women have lots of things on their minds and going on a long walk will give her the opportunity to share what’s on her mind with her favorite person. Take her on a walk on the beach or in a quiet city at night.
~ Go for a bike ride. Take a bike ride at the park around the lake. You and your wife will get to exercise and spend quality time together doing something fun. After the bike ride, have a picnic with her favorite foods.
~ Plan your entire date. Planning the entire day for an outing can be very romantic. Instead of your wife thinking of all that needs to be done (ex. where to go, what time, etc), take on the job of doing all the planning yourself.
~ Go on a boat ride. If your wife doesn’t get motion sickness, take her on a beautiful scenic boat ride. Many times you can book a tour on a lake or river with lunch included.
I’ve included some ideas for you to be romantic with your wife and if you paid close attention most of these ideas are budget-friendly and if you forgot about a special occasion (which I know you won’t because you are trying to be a better husband), many of these ideas can be last-minute ways to be romantic as well. You’re welcome!
Becoming a better husband to your wife is not something that happens overnight, but making the choice to become one is the right step for a great future for your marriage.
Show your wife that you care by listening to her and engaging in the conversation, offering support by letting her know you will be there no matter what, and taking on more responsibilities around the house.
Show your wife affection by telling her how beautiful she is, saying “I love you” every day and surprise her with a special gift.
Make your wife feel loved by pursuing her, spending quality time with her and most importantly, praying to protect her.
Valentine’s Day coming up, birthday or date night? Put some of these romantic ideas into action and plan your entire day or date with a movie night, fun bike ride or scenic boat ride.
Related Topic: How Do I Know If My Wife Doesn’t Love Me Anymore
Use these tips to be the best husband you can be, which will indeed make your wife happy and make a good, lasting marriage.
Do you have the qualities of a good husband? Are you trying to become a better husband to your wife? Let us know what you’ve done to make your wife happy throughout the years; we’d love to hear from you.